Procurement Management Training Program

  Over the last few years, the demand of procurement management has drastically increased. That is why, there are a wide range of professional academies, institutions and universities are offering procurement training. The management training is quite popular. These academies maintain all the rules of under professional accreditation The procurement training mainly describes purchasing activity on behalf of an organization or business process.

Why One Should Take Procurement Management Training

Procurement management is very important in modern business process. This is like a magnificent key factor of running a successful business procedure. The management helps the business owners to meet the business goals and live up to stakeholders expectations. The management is a systematic approach which is used for buying all the goods and services that required for an organization to make it sustainable in this competitive market. Procurement makes a business process efficient.

If a business owner manages its procurement strategy with a proficient manner, it will add extra value to all the business practices. The management will save both money and time. In this growing cut-throat competitive market, the requirement of procurement is enlarging day by day. The people who are running a business and the working professionals who are into this profession can take this management program. Of course, the training program will help them to know more about its basic purpose.

The Basic Role of Procurement Management within an Organization:

Procurement management has a great influence in any business process. If you are running a business, you need to buy products and services on the exact time to produce the best quality product at an affordable price. You will be considered as a successful business owner, when you meet the requirements of your stakeholders. This is a situation when procurement management training is highly required, and your company will value. Professional procurement training controls the whole business process.

Some major subjects of the procurement are given below:

Identification of requirements or needs:

Running a non-interruptive business process, an organization requires products or services to make the best productivity. To make the productivity continuous, you need quality products. Not only that the buyers requires to find them at the superior quality product at an affordable price to deliver the customer.

Finding experienced suppliers:

Finding experienced suppliers is another important task to supply the products. You can make use of internet or supplier database to find the suppliers. Make sure to choose the best supplier to deliver your product to your customer.

Requesting business proposals:

Before buying the products or services, you need to consider the price, quality and quantity. In that case, you need to present a business proposal. Based on the results, you will able to know with whom to start negotiations.

Proper Delivery:

At the time of delivering products and services, you should evaluate them, whether they meets your quality requirements or not. At the same time, you need to check the time of delivery of products.

Nevertheless, procurement management has a vast area within a business process. The management program includes business analysis and its financial report. The procurement training has a great popularity throughout the world. This is a one year training program for working professionals with accredited certificate.

The days of a handshake agreement between two businesses are gone. Instead, business is filled with lengthy legal binding contracts. These contracts were enacted to protect both sides in an agreement.

Contracts are negotiated on at the front end of business transactions. Parties agree to prices and transaction standards for transactions. Contracts typically stipulate prices for supplies and other elements.

At first, these contracts are adhered to for all transactions. As time goes by, contract prices are no longer honored by suppliers. This may be intentional by some suppliers and unintentional by others.

When contracts are not honored, businesses lose a lot of money. This creates a need for procurement management solutions online. Procurement management ensures contract compliance by all parties.

Another aspect of procurement management is contract addendums. Addendums are often necessary as time and business develops. Procurement management organizes all contract and addendums.

Procurement management provides more discipline in business. Greater efficiency is also desired by all businesses in the world. Procurement management ensures this efficiency and increases speed.

Businesses also fail to effectively source work to suppliers. This can be an overwhelming and time consuming process for firms. Much money is lost in sourcing work to suppliers using online methods.

Strategic sourcing is necessary to remedy this difficult situation. The major benefit of strategic sourcing is the savings potential. This is a result of the increased efficiency and sourcing potential.

Strategic sourcing online alleviates cumbersome manual entries. Manual entries often left excellent sourcing potentials off the list. This hurt businesses as they did not have the best supplier.

Cycling times are increased when using strategic sourcing solutions. This allows businesses to really see the available suppliers. It allows them to capture the best quote prices in a timely manner.

Another benefit of strategic souring is the potential of events. This online solution is much easier than previous manual methods. As a result, businesses have a plethora of sourcing events to engage.

Vendor management is often overlooked in the business world. Businesses are focused on finding the best prices from vendors. The reason is businesses want the lowest cost in order to capitalize.

However, vendors also have needs to make money and survive fiscally. For this reason, vendor management is essential to implement. Vendor management recognizes the vendor's needs as well as a firm's.

This is essential to a best practices vendor ongoing relationship. Thus, vendor management is an important step to take in business. Vendor management ensures both parties develop a relationship.

This relationship is where both parties recognize the other's needs. Vendor management relationships like this are quite successful. This is why many seek vendor management solutions from firms.

Getting Started With Cryptocurrencies

Investing in the cryptocurrency market space is often complex especially for the traditional investors. This is because investing directly in Cryptocurrency requires the use of new technologies, tools and adopting some new concepts.

If you decide to dip your toes in the CryptoCurrency world, you will need to have a clear picture of what to do and what to expect.

Be it Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum or any of the 1300 tokens, buying and selling cryptocurrencies require you to choose an Exchange that deals in the products you want.

Being the most famous decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin leads the crypto space so dominantly that the terms crypto and bitcoin are sometimes used interchangeably. However, the matter of fact is that there are other cryptocurrencies as well that can be relied upon for making crypto-investments.


Litecoin, also referred to as 'silver to Bitcoin's gold' is an open-source decentralized payment network that functions without involving an intermediary.

How does Litecoin vary from Bitcoin? Well, both are similar in many ways, however the block generation of Litecoin is much faster than that of Bitcoin. This is making the investors around the world open to accept Litecoin.

Charlie Lee, a former engineer at Google founded Litecoin in 2011. Though Litecoin does not have the anonymity technology of Bitcoin, recent reports have shown that Litecoin is preferred after bitcoin because of its persistence Another factor that favours Litecoin is the Bitcoin SegWit technology that means secure peer-to-peer trading of currencies without involving exchange participation.


Launched in the year 2015, Ethereum is a decentralized software platform that enables distributed applications and smart contracts to function without third party interference. The currency is the ether that is like an accelerator within the ethereum platform. In the leading cryptocurrencies space, Ethereum. is the second most preferred choice after Bitcoin.


Zcash gained attention in the latter part of 2016 and focuses on solving the problem of anonymous transactions. To understand the currency, let's take it as "if bitcoin is like HTTP for money, Zcash is HTTPS".

The currency offers the choice of the shielded transaction to maintain the transparency, privacy and security of transactions. This means the investors can transfer data in the form of encrypted code.


Originally known as darkcoin, Dash is a more selective version of bitcoin. It was launched in January 2014 by Evan Duffield with the name Xcoin. It is also known as the Decentralized Autonomous Organization or simply DAO. The coin was meant to eradicate all the prevailing limitations of Bitcoin. Currently, Bitcoin has earned a substantial position in the space of cryptocurrencies.

The alternative to virtual currency that promises secured and anonymous transactions through peer-to-peer networking is cryptocurrency. The key to making a lot of money is to make the right investment at the right moment. In comparison to making the everyday money, cryptocurrency models function without involving any middle man as a decentralized digital mechanism. In this distributed cryptocurrency mechanism, the continuous activity is issued, managed and endorsed by the community peer network. The cryptocurrency is known for its speedy transactions over any other mode such as digital wallets and other mediums.

In addition to the above discussed, other top cryptocurrencies include Monero (XMR), Bitcoin Cash (BCH). EOS and Ripple (XRP).

Although bitcoin is the trend setter and is leading the race, other currencies have also made their significant position and are growing in preference each day. Considering the trend, the other cryptos will have a long way to stay and might soon give Bitcoin a real tough time to maintain its position.

If you have decided to make a speculative investment in this disruptive technology, and want to have all current and future recommendations, connect with "The Top Coins".

Great Lease Purchase Strategy - The Assignment

The assignment is by far the easiest of the Lease Purchase strategies and requires the least amount of investment and risk in order to do the deal and profit upfront. Instead of taking the property and subletting with an option or sandwich leasing you can actually sell the contract to another. You have created a valuable marketable commodity! You can sell and even create a note by financing the sale of the lease purchase agreement, too.

An assignment is when we negotiate the deal with the owner of a property and it contains all the terms of the transaction within the specialized written contract. We can then assign (which means to sell) the contract to a third party This can be either the Tenant/Buyer or another investor. This is normally a lease purchase agreement which contains a specific assignment clause with the right to sublet, transfer or convey any rights within the original contract with the owner to another principal party.

Example: I found a property in a good neighborhood/school district. The owner had tried to sell it, had put up a for rent sign since he'd be moving to a new state and didn't want to get stuck with two mortgage payments. The property was worth $100,000 and the seller had a mortgage for $95,000. His payments were $1000 per month PITI (principal, interest, taxes, insurance). The real estate agents wouldn't list the home because there was not enough profit to pay a 6% commission. I offered to lease purchase the home with the right to assign and purchase for the balance of the mortgage. I would also pay the $1000 per month with a five year contract and would be responsible for any monthly maintenance/repairs under $100. I would pay $1000 down as option money and the first month rent with a 20 day lead before payments were to begin.

The owner agreed and I began calling all my tenant/buyers from previous ads. One tenant/buyer (with kids) had just files a bankruptcy, but was looking for a home in a good school district and safe neighborhood. He knew that he would need at least 2 years before he would be able to get a new mortgage and save the down payment. He was perfect for this home. I told him he could move into the home, purchase it for the balance of the mortgage and that I will sell him the contract (assignment) for $6500. He only had $3500, but he really wanted the home. I told him that I would take the balance of the assignment fee as a personal note (unsecured) at 0% if he paid on the first of the month. He could pay me $250 per month and pay off the note in 12 months. He agreed. I recovered my $1000, made a $5500 profit ($3500 cash and a $3000 note) and I was out of the deal. Assignments are great for flipping homes without buying them. As usual, everyone wins in a lease purchase.

Buyers and purchasing agents must be very careful when ordering from new vendors. You see, new vendors may have a lower price point to break into the market, and they may be subsidizing their inefficiencies in the beginning with extra working capital (dumping; selling for less than it costs to produce). So, if a company puts all of their eggs in one basket and gives a new vendor a huge order, they may be underwhelmed with the ability of that vendor or supplier to deliver.

The company purchasing agent may also be quite dismayed at the level of customer service after the promises that were made by the sales and marketing teams of the new vendor are duly forgotten. This is why so many new vendors who set out in the market place are only able to secure a whole bunch of trial orders, but nothing long-term in the beginning.

The larger companies and corporations that will be buying from them want to see if they can deliver on their promise and they give them a little tidbit, to test them and see if they can perform. Most cannot, and that is why so many companies that sell business-to-business go out of business in the first five years.

In fact, the number is something like a 70% failure rate, and a large company that makes a large order can be harmed as the new vendor cannot perform or deliver on their promises leaving holes in their product line, or extra space on their shelf. This also translates to the corporation's customers who may be upset when a product is no longer available.

These are all things that need to be considered when dealing with new suppliers, or new market entrants that intend on being vendors to the industry. Please consider all this.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes that if you have diabetes you need to pay attention and read all about it; diabetes obesity []

To Temp or Not to Temp: Evaluating the Organizational Architecture of Staffing Firms

In today's economy, it is definitely an employer's market. Companies across the globe, industries, and with varying company sizes, are utilizing staffing firms heavily to get them through these unsteady and uncertain times. The flip-side to this means that the jobless are now utilizing more than ever the services of staffing firms to get them back in workforce. Once it was taboo to be a "temp," but now it provides millions of people with work, various experiences, and a multitude of additional skills sets never before considered. In addition, it provides companies the flexibility and non-commitment to finish projects without spending additional, much-needed funds on the extra costs associated with full-time, permanent employment, such as health benefits, workman's compensation benefits, and disability insurance.

With that said, the organizational architecture of staffing firms has been studied and analyzed in order to improve processes and procedures. The initial question that must be answered before any additional decisions are made is "will the client company benefit from outsourcing its' talent or keeping recruitment in-house?" The major factors to consider when making this decision are the costs of acquiring the talent (i.e. average market wages for a desired skills set), the contracting costs (i.e. the average bill rate or margin per contractor), and the monitoring costs (i.e. the costs involved on granting systems access, building access, computer usage tracking, etc.). Another factor to consider is efficiency; will the outsourcing of talent create value to the client company by creating efficient and effective outcomes?

In addressing these considerations, client companies would be wise to remember that utilizing a staffing firm can help control costs by freeing up opportunity costs in relation to the time needed to source, recruit, and interview candidates, time spent on training new employees, and the financial obligations the company will have to the new employees. The costs associated with employing workers are quite impressive and has only increased in the past few years. With the cost of health care rising, workman's compensation benefits increasing, and mandatory employer-paid benefits rising, client companies could increase their bottom lines by decreasing labor costs through the utilization of staffing firms which take responsibility for many, if not all of those costs. In addition, because staffing firms tend to be niche, meaning they focus on one industry or set of skills (i.e. accounting and finance, IT, healthcare), efficiencies will arise with the contracting of highly-qualified talent. With these efficiencies also comes reporting effectiveness. With the implementation of Applicant Tracking Systems and Human Resources Information Systems, reporting can be easily completed and analyzed while quickly pointing out any areas where workflow processes need to be changed. Although internal HR departments will most likely have these types of systems in large companies, smaller companies may not see a need to invest such a large amount of resources in these systems and find it beneficial to rely on the reporting technologies of staffing firms.

The organizational architecture of any firm consists of three key elements:

• Measure Performance

• Reward and Punish Performance

• Partition Decision Rights

Let's start with Measure Performance. The objective for Measure Performance can range between firms and departments within the staffing firm. For example, the firm may have a group of Account Managers and Recruiters dedicated to one large client, while also having multiple branches across the nation that service multiple smaller clients. Each group's objectives will differ, but some consistencies remain the same across business scopes. These objectives include: rates, fees, and sales.

Each group will concentrate on maximizing the bill rate for each contractor. Again, depending on the setup, some contracts may call for a flat bill rate, allowing the staffing firm to determine the pay rate of the contractor. Some contracts have set pay rates with set mark-ups for bill rates. And some contracts may call for set pay rates with varying bill rates. Fees are also important because they may be the source of large amounts of revenues. Fees may include direct placement fees or conversion fees. Sales also play a large role in meeting firm objectives in that they continue the inflow of orders and will ensure company growth. Without orders to fill, there will be no growth or revenue-generating activities.

There are also those subjective and non financial characteristic to Measure Performance, such as helping people find jobs, decreasing the unemployment rate, increasing people's buying power because they now have income, and industry innovation. For example, some firms offer career counseling and transition counseling. In addition, the quality of candidates supplied and the customer service given, help enhance the satisfaction of the client company.

The next element is Reward and Punishment Performance. This element is highly delicate in that employment and HR laws prohibit or discourage certain reward and punishment behaviors. For instance, most pecuniary rewards, such as salary increases, promotions, bonuses, and benefits, are typically easily tracked and follow an explicit protocol set forth by HR. However, non-pecuniary rewards, such as the ability to utilize company resources (car, jet, condos, etc.), dramatic, prestigious job titles, and other company perks (nicer office, club memberships, parking, etc.) are harder to track and more difficult to justify.

Lastly, the Partition of Decision Rights is the third, dependent element in the organizational architecture of staffing firms Decision rights can differ widely across the staffing industry. Some firms allow recruiters to set the pay rate of their contractors, while others have a set pay rate for each position with no room for deviation. Some firms allow recruiters to also play a role in business development, while other firms prefer to separate the two roles. In addition, some senior management prefers to allocate rights by centralizing, or micro-managing, while others prefer a decentralizing style. The larger, global recruiting firms tend to have a more centralized style, whereas the smaller, boutique firms tend to have a more decentralized style.

Issues arise with the Partition of Decision Rights when the separation of management and control is skewed. Many firms, including staffing firms follow a protocol with the decision making process. This protocol includes: initiation, approval, implementation, and monitoring/tracking. The issue of a skewed decision making process can be solved by ensuring that the initiation and implementation are kept with management, and the approval and monitoring of decisions are maintained by a control group.

With the increasing recognition of staffing firms between both the employees and employers, and the rising need for companies to cut costs with headcount, the staffing industry has seen and will continue to see more and more opportunities to grow. With this growth will come workflow improvements and policy changes brought on by the analysis of organizational architecture, keeping in mind that all three elements are key and dependent on one another. When one element fails, the entire architecture will fail. As the industry grows, staffing firms will need to reevaluate their organizational architecture on a regular basis in order to keep ahead of the competition and ensure growth year-over-year.


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